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Explosions dusty environment

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I was wondering if there is already a script that tries to simulate the foggy/dusty environment

created by explosions dynamically   using a modified (colored) ingame fog feature or something

in a given radius for a given time.


Please let me know in case..



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I have tried experimenting with smoke module to attempt this but never have got the setting right for the smoke to act like dust. If anyone has any ideas I would love to see some ideas. As someone who plays zeus, I want the ability to cause awe as they roll into a town which has been bombarted. Force them to drive into a dust cloud not knowing if the enemy was killed or alive.

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Can't be with smoke.

Tremendous performance hit ..and even then.. the amount of smoke produced wont be satisfying as result.


It *just needs a custom "sandstorm-like" effect ..but at given radius/under certain circumstances/for a given time


Anyone? :)

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