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Texturing vehicle

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Hey guys!


I just created my first car. Everything works fine. I just need to add rvmats but I don't know how to recolor the car. How do I need to name the body and what do I have to add to my config? I wanna recolor the white body. Another question: How do I test the lights in Bulldozer? I don't want to export the vehicle everytime to Arma just for checking if the lights are on the right position.


Edit: I found the solution. You have to rename it do body and add under the class for car_f "body" to the hiddenSelections.

class c5500_Red:c5500_Base /// some class that is going to be visible in editor
	scope	= 2; 			/// makes the car visible in editor
	crew 	= "C_man_1"; 	/// we need someone to fit into the car
	side	= 3; 			/// civilian car should be on civilian side
	faction	= CIV_F;		/// and with civilian faction
	displayName = "C5500 Rot"; /// displayed in Editor
	hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\c5500\data\body_red.paa", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""};	 /// we could use any texture to cover the car
	weapons[] = {"horn_horn","horn_horn2"};




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