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Virtual Arsenal - How do I call up a given class name?

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When you use the virtual arsenal....can I call up a given class name and see how he is outfitted?  Or do you have to recreate him from scratch? (which seems odd to me).


Also, when you load back packs in the virtual arsenal it seems they are somewhat already loaded (and you can only add some extras??). Or am I wrong? 

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As to your two questions, the first is not possible as far as I am aware. It may be possible via scripting within the editor, but that isn't my area of expertise. Actually, I've just thought of a way this is possible, though a little long-winded. Basically, you'll need to place whatever unit you wish to 'replicate' in the editor as a playable unit and then have it activate an Arsenal trigger (you'll need to find out how to do that yourself, I'm not a mission maker). This will load the Arsenal with the unit's gear already selected. Then you'll just need to save it as a loadout.


The second depends on the 'type' of backpack you select. Some backpacks are configured to be pre-packed with certain equipment (e.g 'Engineer' backpacks with repair kits, 'Medic; backpacks with extra PAKs etc). These extra items will "carry over" to other backpacks if you select a different type afterwards e.g. if you first select an Engineer backpack, and then select a normal empty backpack, it will still contain the Repair kit(s) etc.

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