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Foreach running once.

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Hello, Hope all are well. I have run into a problem in a script. In the script the there is a piece that I am working to create some AI defenders for a random task.... For some reason this only runs for the first "_manType". I have not been able to see my mistake. I am sure I am missing something silly.  Ideas?





Create defenders

_manType = _x select 0;
_manName = _x select 1;
_man = _manType createVehicle getMarkerPos "defend1";

if (_manName != "") then {
        (_man select 0) setVehicleVarName _manName;
        missionNamespace setVariable [_manName, (_man select 0)];


["B_soldier_LAT_F", "man1"],
["B_soldier_AR_F", "man2"],
["B_soldier_exp_F", "man3"],
["B_medic_F", "man4"]



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_man is object therefore it cannot be (_man select 0)


Using -showScriptErrors in launch params would have shown you where the error was if you do not fancy checking .rpt every time

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Ah man! Thanks. I will fix it after work! I will use the -showScriptErrors from now on too.




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Yeah, first thing I saw was the object _man being treated as an array. A good form of practice is to put the data type of the variable at the end like so. 

_manObj = herp derp;
_manObject = herp derp;

Then use terms for indexes like so

//very consistent with mathematics notation
_i = 0;
_j = 0;
_k = 0;

_index = 0;

//if you have more than 3
_a = 0;
_b = 0;
_c = 0;

Sometimes I use all capital local variables to denote number id's for switch statements.


Many users use this for local functions

_fnc_Myfunc = {

There is more, but its wise to look at the latest trends to stay in touch with standards.

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