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EventHandler "HandleDamage" doesn't fire when added to missionobject on dedicated server

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i'm trying to get simple damage statistics when firing at a target.


Setup is a simple target ("TargetBootcampHumanSimple_F") added in the Editor with following EventHandler i add through the Debug console:

ehIndex = t1 addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", {systemChat format ["Hit at %1", diag_tickTime]}];

This works fine locally, but not on a dedicated server.

In a dedicated environment the EH is being created, i get back the index but it wont fire when it should (or atleast, i dont get any feedback).


If i add the target at runtime everything works fine:

t2 = "TargetBootcampHumanSimple_F" createVehicle position player;
ehIndex = t2 addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", {systemChat format ["Hit at %1", diag_tickTime]}];

Could someone explain me this behaviour? How can i get this to work?



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This EH can accept a remote unit as argument however it will only fire when the unit is local to the PC this event handler was added on. For example, you can add this event handler to one particular vehicle on every PC. When this vehicle gets hit, only EH on PC where the vehicle is currently local will fire.

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Well, now i feel quite dumb. Thanks for the quick answer. 

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Damage is handled locally, but generally sent globally. For instance, setDamage is a global global command, but setDamage could override handlers. If you are familiar with "mutators" in object oriented programming, setDamage is a direct mutator sent over the network, while handledamage events process a que.

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