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Lose frames when getting shot at

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I've been getting this issue on Arma 3.



The issue is when I take fire, I lose a majority of my frame rate. If I spawn myself in the editor with 3 enemy Auto Riflemen, Ill have 40-55 frames. But as soon as I take fire, I go to about 6-13 frames. I ask my friends to be put into the same scenario with me and they don't have this frame drop at all.


No mods, just vanilla pure game play, however the issue of course exists as well on modded.


PC specs:
I7 3930k 3.2ghz
GTX 680 4gb vram
16gb ram.


Please help me narrow down this issue as I am the only person out of everyone I talk to, that has this issue.


Wade Pritchard

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Have you recently defragged the hard disk arma is installed on and have you verified the game cache in steam? Possibly try creating a new profile and seeing if it still happens.

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Try lowering 'object detail'.

Can look at reducing view & object distances.


Tune setting for combat. Create a mission with enough stuff going on to floor frames, then tweak the settings for better fps.


I benchmark off an old training mission that had me spawning in at 16-18 fps --now i'm at 29-31 fps on it.


Good Luck.

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I've done all of the following recommendations but the issue still persists, it seems to me at any point a bullet is fired near me, it happens.


The issue even brings me to 1 frame at times.

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Yeah, that ain't right.


Only time i had something like that was after flashing my bios, forgot to reinstall the 'chip set' drivers.


Can find those drivers thru the motherboard's manufacturer's web site.


good luck!

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