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Help need with Orca Skin Unarmed and O2 importing and Exporting

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I was doing some work on a new orca skin l have skinned a few vehicles and helicoptors but this unarmed orca doesn't seem to have a template done for it so l used the another one the first one the placements come out fine.2nd time l did it l used a lot of layers in photoshop and spent a lot of time with it l used yellow and blue as primary colours but for some reason parts of the colours aren't coming through the placement of the logos were right as l did them on my other one  and they are all over the place on the new one l did l cant seem to figure out why could someone shed some light on why this maybe. Another question l had is can every model be opened in oxygen 2 cause these tools haven't been updated in along and l find if l open a model from the pbo it crashes is l open a sample l can get it into 3D max and Maya for further editing.Is there any plugins like the PAA plugin for Max, Maya or Lightwave to make life easier.O2 just crashes out and doesn't seem to be the best method for doing 3D development as a industry standard full stop

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The reason you are having this issue is because the UVs are different. You don't need a template, you can have a look over the existing maps to figure out the Uv layout and texture on top of those.

O2 crashes because the models you are trying to load are binarized as in locked, not because there is any issue per see with O2.

You don't need a PAA plugin for any of the industry's standard  software such as max or maya. Simply convert the existing paa files to tga and you'r set.

No reason to brind ignorance to the table when you don't really know what you are talking about. The arogant attitude might fly when you DO know what you are talking about, which is clearly not the case here, but even so you might look like an ass., it is not O2's fault that you have a mess of a workflow. 


next time you post a reply, if you want an answer, mind the way you do it (punctuation, paragraphs etc) exclamation mark ;)

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Thanks for the answer l did reread the question l wrote out and it wasn't written to clearly what l was asking. l meant the plugin for photoshop the PAA plugin.The question though wasn't meant to come across ignorant or arrogant if that was the way it was taken. Cheers for the help though it is much appreciated if there are any tutorials out there that could help me to further understand the process that you could help me it would be awesome.Something that goes through the process from start to finsh l'm sure it will help improve my workflow and understanding and l am always open to suggestions from others.Cheers.

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1. The existing PAA plugin is shit tbh. Texview works correctly and as it should, using the suffixes.

2. I gather that what you want is simple reskin. Find the diffuse textured used in paa format, get it trough texview and save it as a TGA. Fit in PS and do your thing.

3. You cannot open p3d files from A3 in Object Builder (formerly known as Oxygen2), since those are binarized. You can, however, open A2 sample files released by BIS and available here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Public_Datahttps://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_2_Sample_Models

4. You can get the content you want from p3d to 3ds max, maya, modo, lightwave etc by exporting all LODs or individual ones if you please in either 3ds, obj or fbx file formats, and the same way from your preferred software to OB/O2.

5. BI tools package has been updated pretty soonish.

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Thanks  pufu yeah the skinning part l am starting to get down ok l think but l am still using photoshop and want to do more through max,maya and mudbox. And l have had problems with that photoshop plugin l was told it was bad so l used textview and its sweet dunno sometimes that photoshop PAA plugin works sometimes it crashes photoshop.Thanks for posting the link again for the A2 models l did have that once now l got some room l will download them and have a play with those. Always loved the UH-1Y and UH-1H so l think l might start there. l will post a skin l did of the rustic geneve medical chopper l did for a friends project.Shes done a few miles and saved a few lives but it shows l am starting to get the skinning process better down pat is more the making models ect l would love to expand on l and making my own templates for photoshop l am unclear on.I had a lot of fun making the skins in photoshop but l would love oneday to make a complete model skin and object in max into arma 3 something l am proud of and people like.This was the finshed result in photoshop and txt view. Please feel free to comment on it l appreciate all constructive criticism and feedback l can get. Next is to try and make objects with max,mudbox,maya and try and get them back to arma 3 which l am still unsure about the best process l figure l use O2 to get it back.http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/573438521440818439/8325447B838E584E265EADC2B67D05FB6BD523EF/.I just got up and seen ya reply l will be into the A2 models today and have some fun there. Thanks for your help.If you know the 3D maxx or maya process or a better process of getting models back into arma cause its very new to me with arma 3 please let me know nothing worse than spending ages on a project then hitting a snag ya cant get around. Thanks again for your help and feedback l really appreciate it.

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dude, seriously, stop writing wall of texts here...


1. skinning doesn't really mean creating a new texture (or as you call it "skin) for a model, and has not relation to texturing. Skinning has (in the 3d world) 2 meaning:

a. same as UVW Unwrapping (less used these days) - as in taking the "skin" off the 3d model and projecting it in UV planar space.

b. assigning the mesh verts to the bones. Not to be confounded with rigging which actually means creating the bone structure and its hierarchy in accordance to the mesh (or the other way around at times)


to conclude, what you meant to say is texturing...


2. do not use that floating PAA plugin for whatever reasons.


3. the rest of your post is pretty unclear, all i get that is that you want to, in the future, to create your own assets from the ground up. There are plenty tutorials around the web explaining the ropes of it, for whatever software you choose to use


4. your current texture looks pretty good, especially if it is your first try. Nicely done.

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