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How to make soldiers react to incoming artillery

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I am trying to create a small call for fire training mission.

I have a forward observer off in the distance viewing 4 BMP's with the troops dismounted.

With a radio call, I initiate a script that does a camcreate of a "Shell105" in the vicinity of BMP troops in the open. This would be the initial spotting round for my forward observer.

When the round impacts, I want a trigger to activate that will have the troops "Get In" their BMP's and speed off to a new location.

I have a trigger syncronized with a "Get In" waypoint, but I don't know how to have it detect the impact of the artillery round.

I did syncronize the detection trigger with the radio call trigger that initiates the spotting round. But the troops make for their vehicle before the round impacts.

Is there some code logic I am unaware of that will detect the impact?

Thanks in advance.

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Make a note of the time needed between call of script and impact of round.

Then simply use a trigger that counts down the above time before activating smile.gif

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