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Zeus Tutorial - clueless

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It was time to learn Zeus as I haven't tried it yet. So I thought the best way was to start the Zeus tutorial... Makes sense?


Ok. First attempt. It started and I was prompted to press Space, so I did.

I'm on a platform looking at a vehicle shooting another vehicle.

I hear a system ping and I read the text "Ping Zeus".


I think of #ping but I have no chat as this is SP + it make no sense.

I start moving around to see if anything gives me a clue, but realizes it can't be so difficult as this is a tutorial.

But what is "ping"? I look at the notes in my map and all I can see that I have an assignement to "ping Zeus".

It's raining.

I suddenly think of my controls! I go in there and yes! There I can find Zeus controls and I also find the key to "ping Zeus"!!


I ping Zeus and I see the flash destroy the vehicle. Looks fancy but I don't understand why that vehicle had to be destroyed..?

Ok. I pinged. What now? Maybe I can't play it in Veteran with my normal settings. Maybe I need to see some UI or whatever? I have had that problem in other tutorials......


Decides to restart as recruite.

Press Space.

A vehicle shoots up another vehicle.

Assignment "ping Zeus"

Pinging Zeus (I'm learning!!)

And a new assignment!!! open the Interface.

Ok. Goes back into the controls to have a look. Find the key. Go back to tutorial.

Doesn't work. Nothing happens. It's raining.

Goes back into controls to double check. Tries again. Nothing. Restart mission.


Decides to restart as Veteran again as I had no more clues as Recruit.

Press space - vehicle bang poff - ping Zeus - flash and thunder dead he is.

The interface assignment is another fail, can't get it to work.

Pings Zeus again to piss him off.

What? A new interface!!! Good. And now the interface key is working. I can turn it on and off :)

And a new assignment - Move Camera (I can see some text floating out there with a small arrow or something. Ok I probably should move the camera to that point.

Goes back into controls - move camera..... No nothing except that I can move a camera to a selected entity.

Ok goes back out to mission to select an entity.

After a few attempts at clicking on objects I go back to controls - how to select an entity?

I can't find anything but how to select multiple entities. Ok back out again to the mission.

Left Ctrl and clicks away. Can't select anything. How am I supposed to move the camera then??

Realizes that I can select myself so I do it and yes I can also move the camera to look at me.

But the text "Move Camera" hovers out there in the rain.


And here I am now. I can't deselect me, I can't select anything else. I can't move the camera. It's raining.

Maybe I can, but I don't know how.


Very good tutorial. NOT!


So I have 3 choices now.


1 - Restart mission and see if anything else happens.

2 - Read up on the forum where the threads are mostly about more advanced scripted features and try to figure out the basics there.

3 - Turn off Arma3 and go to bed.


Good night! :)

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Woke up, looked at youtube and read the biki. I know understand and it's quite simple.


Now I can do the tutorial, but I don't need it anymore.

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