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I want to know if there is a simple script that i can put at a waypoint/trigger that will make the stated units eject!? Not the Word type, the ones written in the game!

And is there a command to make a hole group do a certain command, cuz i get sick of rightin out the same script in the unit over and over again!

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Type this into a text file and save it as eject.sqs:

_aunits = units playername

_i = 0

_Max = count_aunits


(_aunits select_i) action ["EJECT", helicoptername]

unassignvehicle (_aunits select_i)



?_Max>_i:goto "Here"


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Replace playername with the name of your player and helicoptername with the name of your helicopter.

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well, i was looking for somthing i could just write in the waypoint, but if thats all.

Is there a way to make say...

...Player_1's hole group eject with a small script like what you just told me!?

I want to make my two para squads jump from a Chinok.

Can you also post a script on how to make radio mesages and how to make them work (I think you need to use three names or somthing!!!)


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Yeah. You gotta assign your units to the group using the init field in the leaders prop's. Then in this script, change playerName to groupName 0+i, use goto loop to return to start, execute till the end of the group array, then exit.

btw. The action eject IS the action eject. There is only one eject in the game.

(Edited by amos m at 2:29 am on Dec. 24, 2001)

(Edited by amos m at 2:31 am on Dec. 24, 2001)

(Edited by amos m at 2:36 am on Dec. 24, 2001)

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Sorry. I gotta remember not to post at 2 in the morning.

There is a thread here somewhere that shows how to assign units to a group. Or here's what it says in the comref.

group setGroupId id

Operand types:

group: Object or Group

id: Array

Type of returned value:



Set group identity. Id format is [letter,color,picture] or [letter,color]. Letter is one of: "Alpha", "Bravo", "Charlie", "Delta", "Echo", "Foxtrot", "Golf", "Hotel", "Kilo", color is one of "GroupColor0" to "GroupColor7".


setGroupId ["Alpha", "GroupColor0"]

Once you have that done, in the script file chang:



alpha, 0+i

and have this loop so on the first time through the index will be 0, second time index is 1 etc. until all guys are ejected.

I'm not sure of the exact syntax, but what I'm trying to say is change playername to the group name with the index of 0 + i (which starts at 0), then on each iteration of the loop, the next guy will jump out (because i gets 1 added to it each time through).

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