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Military office (ID 66220) at 019057 in Stratis has a wall and a door that can't block AI's sight

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Military office (ID 66220) at 019057 in Stratis has a wall and a door that can't block AI's sight.

When I move to the door and the wall show as pictures below, the AI outside the building can see me. I don't need to fire or make any noise to attract him.

 In contrast, the same building (ID 66234) doesn't have this problem.

Firstly I thought it's an AI detect bug, now I confirm it is a construction module bug.


pic1: when I move far enough behind the door



pic2: when I move near behind the wall



pic3: when I move far behind the wall at prone stance, and there is a baffle in front of me.



pic4: show AI cam



This bug has existed from v1.00 I think, please fix it. 


I make a simple shoucase. you can download it in steam.



please vote!


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feedback.arma3.com - go there to report this, its more likely to be noticed


EDIT - I see somebody already did report it

That's me :)

I first post this topic then post in the feedback.

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