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How to Script AI To "Talk Guns" With player

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So, in operations involving the need of suppressive fire, whether it be from the mounted gun of a HUMVEE, or a gunner. I was wondering how/if it would be possible, for every time I fire off three rounds, the AI then lay down ten, and every time I lay down three, they follow up with ten suppressive rounds in the direction I'm firing. 

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I realize that you might not have a lot of experience with scripting in Arma, however here is a little snippet that I cooked up:

_state = [(weaponState soldier) select 1, "FullAuto"];

soldier doTarget player;

sleep 1;

for "_i" from 1 to 30 do
	soldier forceWeaponFire _state;
	sleep 0.101;

I don't have much time to expand on this, so I'm just going to dump it and see if anyone wants to go from here. To use that code, start a new mission and place a player and another (friendly) rifleman. Give him the name "soldier". Create init.sqf and copy and paste that code in it for some fun FF.

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