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Losing vest in mp mission when somebody joins the server ??

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My team is feeling some issue when somebody joins the MP mission, we lose our vests. I am using JSOC armies mod.


Thanks in advance. 

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My group and I used to have this issue a year or so ago, however more recent patches (I think it was around 1.40) seemed to eliminate the problem. I assume you're all running the latest v1.48 patch right?

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Yes Sir, we are running the latest.. Is ACE 3 is causing this issue ??

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Is ACE 3 is causing this issue ??

Its possible. Its certainly a common element as my group and I were using it at the time we suffered from the issue. Are you running a dedicated server and having the problem? I ask as we (at the time) were just having one of our group host and suffering from the problem. Since we switched to a dedi we haven't noticed the issue.

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