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At the moment I've got a nice little thing going for vanilla grenade launchers to force AI to fire. However, having just tried it with a mod pack (African Conflict by Massi) the AI won't fire their grenade launchers. I'm certain I know why they won't, and this is what I use:

_logic action ["UseWeapon",vehicle _unit,_unit,_index];

I've discovered that _index is the problem. As I learnt, if _index = 0 the unit will fire a single shot (all good), but to have them fire a grenade _index needs to be 5. For vanilla, it works. But when testing this with the mod it seems that to fire a grenade _index needs to be 4.


Since the muzzle classNames of the vanilla and mod grenade launchers don't share any similarities (3GL v's M203) it means I can't just search for a reference in a weapon muzzle array. But that would only fix it for those mods that would share a similar name anyway. So is there a way I can determine what the weapon index is for any weapon's grenade launcher?

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Still haven't worked out a solution to this yet. Is there anyone that has any kind of workaround for this?

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