celludriel 79 Posted August 13, 2015 Hey, I'm spawning a bunch of ai random on the map, but I like to debug this. Is there an addon or script that will show all alive ai on the map ? I've found a few hits on google but nothing concrete. The best hit was something called devcon but I'm not sure about that one. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
magicpanda 19 Posted August 13, 2015 Stick this in the init of your player. player addaction ["eyeon", "eye.sqf"]; player addaction ["eyeoff", "EYE_run = false;"]; Save a file in your mission folder called eye.sqf then put this lot in it. /* EYE 1.0 Author: Zapat Shows all units on map in a relatively system friendly way. Dot: infantry Rectangle: ground vehicles Triangle: air vehicles Blue: west Red: east Green: Independent Black: civilian OR damaged in movement thus left vehicle Orange: player Yellow: player's team */ //you can turn on and off the EYE by the following Global Variable EYE_run = true; player sideChat "EYE is running"; EYE_targets_obj = []; EYE_markers_str = []; //data handler [] spawn { while {EYE_run} do { sleep 2; EYE_targets_obj = position player nearEntities [["LandVehicle","Air","CAManBase"], 20000]; EYE_targets_str = []; { EYE_targets_str set [count EYE_targets_str, format["%1",_x]]; }foreach EYE_targets_obj; _deleted = EYE_markers_str - EYE_targets_str; { deleteMarker _x; EYE_markers_str = EYE_markers_str - [_x]; }foreach _deleted; }; player sideChat "EYE thread 1 finished" ; }; //visualiser [] spawn { while {EYE_run} do { sleep 0.1; { if (!isNull _x) then { _marker = format["%1",_x]; //create marker if (getMarkerType _marker == "") then { _m = createMarker[_marker,position _x]; _m setMarkerShape "ICON"; if (_x isKindof "CAManBase") then {_m setMarkerType "hd_dot";}; if (_x isKindof "LandVehicle") then {_m setMarkerType "mil_box";}; if (_x isKindof "Air") then {_m setMarkerType "mil_triangle";}; if (side _x == east) then {_m setMarkerColor "ColorOPFOR";}; if (side _x == west) then {_m setMarkerColor "ColorBLUFOR";}; if (side _x == Independent) then {_m setMarkerColor "ColorIndependent";}; //if (side _x == Civilian) then {_m setMarkerColor "ColorCivilian";}; if (_x in units group player) then {_m setMarkerColor "ColorYellow";}; if (_x == player) then {_m setMarkerColor "ColorOrange";}; EYE_markers_str set [count EYE_markers_str, _marker]; } //update marker else { _marker setMarkerPos position _x; if (getMarkerColor _marker != "ColorBlack" && (!alive _x || !canMove _x) ) then {_marker setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"}; }; }; }foreach EYE_targets_obj; }; { deleteMarker _x; }foreach EYE_markers_str; player sideChat "EYE thread 2 finished" ; }; 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
celludriel 79 Posted August 13, 2015 Thanks exactly what I need ! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites