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tvt02 - Road to Hell (conquest/RTS)

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Road to Hell (v0.9) by Sacha Ligthert

RtH is a player vs player scenario using the RTS interface ArmA 3 offers out of the box.
Each player has a fireteam, 2 UAVs and several vehicles at their disposal (using High Command) to conquer capture points and to kill the enemy commander.

Every capture point add a certain amount of credits per turn. Credits allow you to buy more units. Units allow you to capture and kill more.

Since the High Command (HC) is really barebones in vanilla I've made a hitmarker indicator that tells you from which direction a unit is hit from. Since you won't automatically know if a unit is somewhere, you do would like to know if a unit gets hit and from what direction.

I've also given the vehicles a custom damage eventHandler that nerves the damage of AI vehicles to wheels, tracks and engines. Because driving AI is stupid.




- You are free to move about, but stay in the orange marked area
- Enable HC by pressign the app-key or ctrl+space
- You can request new assets by using the radio (0-0)
- You have one UAV already airborne and one on your back, use them wisely





See also:
- High Command @ BIKI: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Field_Manual_-_High_Command
- Jester's Tutorial:

- Work on CTAB intergration or find a script that does it unmodded.
- Work on batallion size operations. Maybe using RHS or ALiVE.

- Lowlands Tactical for having the patience of testing all my previous (and crappy versions).
- PwS & Armaholic for hosting all the delicious content!

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