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can't get online after windows 10 update

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it keeps saying that my player data is read only or used in another instance and wont let me skip bootcamp and even if i do bootcamp it still wont let me play can anyone help?


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1. Check which program is using the Config / Profile. Using Process Explorer: http://superuser.com/questions/399659/how-can-i-identify-what-application-is-using-a-given-file

Close that application if you know which one it is.


2. DId you had Arma 3 installed on a other Harddrive?


Maybe the arma3.exe hasnt the right permissions to write to user/documents/arma3


Find the arma3.exe (and repeat this to all other .exe files in this folder, including battleye/ folder)

right click, security

now click on the lower button (must be named advanced / extended or something, i dont have english windows) and set the Owner (at the top) to your user.

Simply click on it, and enter User, then on the right button.  Ok everything and try again.


if this didnt help, go to Documents folder, search for arma3 and arma 3 other profiles folder (if theres one) and delete it. 


If all this didnt help, run arma3battleye.exe as administrator (right click, run as admin), then it should have the permissions to write the config.

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That didn't help me. In fact, I can't even find the arma folder in neither "documents" nor "onedrive/documents". The game can't write into profile files because they do not exist. Will try reinstall, since the Arma has migrated to Windows 10 from a previous OS. 

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Could You, perhaps, try to use a 


parameter to launch the game with? It is a workaround, we are trying to investigate the cause of this behaviour (and thanks for Your ticket on Feedback tracker!)

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