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Transport unload problems

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Just came upon a small problem that I just can't resolve: I'm making a mission where reinforcements arrive to a certain locating with a DKM XA-188, carrying a squad of Ivan's FDF military police. I want the squad to get out of the apc and take positions nearby. Usually this would be easy to do by making the squad start in the vehicle and make a transport unload waypoint for it. This however won't work now, because the XA-188 was first "empty" and I assigned 2 FDF military police to drive it. With the basic west soldiers driving, transport unload works perfectly.

Any ideas how to overcome this and make the squad get out of the vehicle?

Thanks in advance!

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set your way point down. the one u need the people to get out of then instead of trasport unload waypoint put get out waypoint then everyone gets out then make a waypoint on the person u want to drive around again with waypoint get in then go to sychionize and drag the line to the vehicle

NOTE: make sure the waypoint get in isnt on the vehicle it has to be near the vehicle

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