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Logo when starting Arma 3 with addon

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Hello Arma 3 Development Community,



I am inquiring about adding a logo when starting up Arma 3 with a modpack. I have compiled some of my favorite mods for my current server, however I would like to add a logo when a player enables these mods, then restarts Arma 3 with the mods enabled and has a small Watermark when starting.


I have seen other servers do this where they have a logo when you have a mod enabled, however I have searched and searched for instructions or a tutorial.



Thank you for your time,




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Hello Arma 3 Development Community,



I am inquiring about adding a logo when starting up Arma 3 with a modpack. I have compiled some of my favorite mods for my current server, however I would like to add a logo when a player enables these mods, then restarts Arma 3 with the mods enabled and has a small Watermark when starting.


I have seen other servers do this where they have a logo when you have a mod enabled, however I have searched and searched for instructions or a tutorial.



Thank you for your time,




Do you use the Arma 3 Life addons? If yes i know how to change the A3L Logo to your logo.

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