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Zeuz available only after reassign slot in lobby (Dedicated Server)

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Hello guys, I've been dealing with a particular problem with Zeus since a few weeks ago. When we join the mission, guys and I can't use Zeus if we don't go back to the assignation room and reconnect again. It's like Zeus is unavailable at the start on the mission.

I've been using Zeus since its release so I know how to use the modules and its synchronisation, I'm pretty sure the problem is not relative to the modules.

I'm also using an edited ADV Zeus version :

_curator = (_this select 0);

while {true} do
	_curator addCuratorEditableObjects [[_x], true];
} forEach allUnits;

_curator addCuratorEditableObjects [vehicles, true];
_curator addCuratorEditableObjects [(allMissionObjects "Man"), true];
_curator addCuratorEditableObjects [(allMissionObjects "Air"), true];
_curator addCuratorEditableObjects [(allMissionObjects "Ammo"), true];
_curator addCuratorEditableObjects [(allMissionObjects "All"), true];
sleep 5;

So maybe you guys are aware of this problem and know how to fix it...or not.

Thank's, regards.

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