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Is it possible to remove bird on death?

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I liked how in ArmA 2 OA birds were converted to butterflies that were way less noticeable.

In MP, TvTs that I do with my community, we can count the amount of death people by the birds that are hovering in the air above them.

Is there any way to turn off the birds yet keeping no-respawns on?

Kind regards,


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In ArmA 3 you can change the respawn type to spectate which will not spawn birds, and instead let dead players spectate alive players (you can also set it to lock them to their side). In ArmA 2 I'm not sure, haven't played that game in years... I don't think you can remove the birds altogether though.

Look at this: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Respawn

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Okay I'll check the MP behaviour of respawn = 0

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I am looking for something like that. I found: community.bistudio.com/wiki/Spectator_Mode

Someone can put an example of this? In what file I have to include the code?

I'm editing a mission with one life, when the player dead, I want he can watch other players from same side in first person.


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