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B.A.D. PMC Milsim Unit [ACE/ACRE/CMS]

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Battlefield Assistance and Deployment Private Military Company, or B.A.D. PMC, is best described as a milsim unit. We are a mature group that simulates a western PMC with established principles. Our focus is to create an atmosphere in-game which is as believable and immersive as possible, not to mention challenging to the fullest extent, through the use of numerous custom scripts and community addons. To top it off, we lock ourselves in 1st person view and disallow the use of HUD-enhancing mods such as "st_hud". For us, true milsim requires you to feel the "game" first.



Joining us does not require you to have any special skills or prior experience, as long as you're willing to learn and be patient; however we value greatly people who have served in the armed forces. Upon joining us, you will receive training from people with real life military experience and you will get to conduct operations on perhaps the most challenging and realistic ACE server out there. Our standard rifleman training is a comprehensive process that takes 20 hours to complete. It teaches you diverse combat skills in a variety of environments. After you finish your training and specialise in a chosen role, you are able to take on further qualifications training, which allows you to also specialise in any aspect of combined operations warfare.



Our private Realism server runs a heavily modified Patrol Ops mission with ACE&ACRE, turned into a persistent campaign in Fallujah (soon to be ported to Clafghan too) and our mod packs include new vehicles and gameplay tweaks from the community, as well as our own scripts for added realism and a brutally smart AI for the extra challenge. We also use Combat Medical System (CMS) on our server, the mod that gave birth to ACE3's advanced medical system later on, to simulate further logistics and add that extra challenge in gameplay. Having such a server gives us the advantage of being able to have an event-level experience on demand, as long as enough members and officers are online at any given time. This allows us to bend the notion of pre-determined operation times, yet we also conduct organised event missions on occasion. We also have joint operations with other milsim units, or PvP matches.



We are an international community with members from all over the world. Our standard timezone is GMT+0.



What we offer


- Every recruit specializes in a squad-level role after completing rifleman training.

- We offer "certifications" to display achievements and specialize in other aspects of gameplay such as mortar usage, sniping, piloting etc. Obtaining these involves further training and the roles you can pick in-game are limited by your certifications. 

- We are standing by to open dedicated pilot roles for the unit upon demand.


- No minimum activity requirements (except during recruitment stage).





B.A.D. PMC is a part of Bad Company Gaming Community.

Click here to read more about B.A.D. PMC and our Realism server.


or visit the homepage of Bad Company here http://www.badcompanypmc.com



Sgt. K.Hunter
B.A.D. PMC Operations Dept.

Section 1, Bravo Team Leader

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OP updated.


We want to let you know that we're always looking for new recruits. But we're also looking for capable instructors to join us.


If you have spent time in a milsim community, especially as an instructor, and are willing to "work" for us, please contact me through our website or through Steam.

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