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At wits end, trying to get respawns working again. ACE3/ALiVE/Insurgency.

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Working with ACE3 v3.1.1, and ALiVE v0.9.8.15051111, and of course CBA.

Here's what's happening. For some reason after our clan engineer added some vehicles, and tried to get spawn on squad working, the respawns changed and we can't figure out why. Now the entire server only gets two tickets. Two, and only two. After that, everyone has to disconnect and reconnect to be able to respawn, where before, we'd just respawn after 15 seconds at the selected base. I've spent the last 3 hours pouring over this thing and I can't figure out where the problem is.

Second problem is that all the vehicles we added won't respawn after being destroyed. The ones that came with the original map file respawn just fine. But the A-10D, the Warrior, the Panier, and the HEMTT, when they explode they won't ever respawn.

I've included a link to the non-pbo files for you all to look at, and I would deeply appreciate any help you can give me. I'm trying to learn this stuff, but I'm stuck and getting frustrated.


Edited by granpa_jo

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