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Retrieving death animations for crew spot in vehicle

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Different positions in different vehicles have different "death" animations. You can see this in the Animation Viewer under the category "A<Unknown> P<Unknown> (DeadActions) M<Unknown> S<Unknown> W<Unknown>". An example would be "KIA_chopperHeavy_L_01_H". It is not necessarily obvious which vehicle an animation is for just by its name (e.g. "KIA_chopperHeavy_LP_03_H").

My question is, does anyone know of any way to determine which death animation is used for a given crew position in a given vehicle? Say, how would I find out which death animation is used for the driver of a C_Offroad_01_F? I have searched through everything I could find in the Config Viewer under CfgVehicles but didn't have any success.

Edited by ChronicSilence

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So I guess the easiest way to do that would be to create an empty vehicle of the type you're after and then create and name an AI and put him in the drivers seat. Then make a trigger:


damage _unit > 0

On Activation:

hint str (animationState _unit);


copyToClipboard str (animationState _unit);

This returned for me "kia_driver_mid01". I did just try this with an event handler but it didn't work, and this did, so a big fat WHATEVS to the EH. Hope this helps.

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