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[SP]From Russia with love III

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From Russia with love III

by FilaMOD


Canton-Protocol Strategic Alliance Treaty is an alliance of states with the goal of mutual defense, expanded global influence, and sustained economic growth. Set against the context of foundering economies and civil unrest across the west, CSAT has risen in prominence over the last decade. Its forces support the Altian government.

Because Americans were not included in an alliance of states with the goal of mutual defense, expanded global influence, and sustained economic growth, NATO forces occupied Stratis and Altis.

Within a few months local militia resistance forces are slowly joining Altian Armed Forces against aggression of NATO forces on their land.

Help local resistance force to join Altian Armed Forces against aggression of NATO forces!


  • squad leadership
  • flying
  • diving
  • UAV support
  • tank commanding


Put the .pbo file(s) to your Steam/SteamApps/common/ArmA 3/Missions folder

or subscribe to Steam Workshop.


Content created by FilaMOD is published under the "Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA)". You are free to take or change anything you can use, just give me a mention in the credits.


Thanks to Shuko, Celery, Stealthstick/Zooloo75 and kylania! You can get first part here and second part here.


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- Armaholic From Russia with love III

Edited by FilaMOD
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