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Trying to figure out this error

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I been trying to figure this error out for a few days now and have reached the breaking point lol

The error

"[extDB2] Sleep [4]: 71.021"
"DEBUG 9824: [1,[]]"
Error in expression < then {
return = return select 0;

 Error position: <_return;>
 Error Undefined variable in expression: _return
File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Stratis\persistence\server\setup\extDB\async_database.sqf, line 69
"[extDB2] Sleep [4]: 71.121"
"DEBUG 9823: [1,[]]"
"WASTELAND SERVER - Bounty Disconnect Result '[]' Player - '76561197976304014'"
"WASTELAND SERVER - Bounty Reconnected '76561197976304014'"
"Player connected: Soloknight (76561197976304014)"
"updateConnectingClients [Player: R Alpha 1-2:1 (Soloknight) REMOTE] [JIP: true]"
"TERRITORY SYSTEM: _realLoopTime was 10.014"
"[extDB2] Sleep [4]: 73.904"
"DEBUG 9825: [1,[[4]]]"
"[extDB2] Sleep [4]: 74.023"
"DEBUG 9826: [1,[[10]]]"

the script

//	@file Name: fn_onPlayerConnected.sqf
//	@file Author: AgentRev

private ["_id", "_uid", "_name", "_bountydisconnect","_result"];
_id = _this select 0;
_uid = _this select 1;
_name = _this select 2;

if(_name != "__SERVER__") then

//	{
//		if(_uid == getPlayerUID _x) then
//		{
//			_x addMPEventHandler ["mprespawn", {[_x] call fn_onPlayerRespawn;}];	
//			diag_log format ["Adding Respawn Event Handler: %1 (%2)", _name, _uid];
//		};
//	}foreach playableUnits;

_bountydisconnect = 0;
if(!isNil "_uid") then
_result = [format ["checkPlayerBountyDisconnect:%1:%2:%3", 1 , 1, _uid],2, true] call extDB_Database_async;
diag_log format["WASTELAND SERVER - Bounty Disconnect Result '%1' Player - '%2'", _result, _uid];
_bountydisconnect = _result select 0;


if(_bountydisconnect > 0) then
	pvar_BountySystemReconnects = pvar_BountySystemReconnects + [_uid];
	diag_log format["WASTELAND SERVER - Bounty Reconnected '%1'", _uid];
diag_log format ["Player connected: %1 (%2)", _name, _uid];

It's because I can't get a value here '[ ]' "WASTELAND SERVER - Bounty Disconnect Result '[]' Player - '76561197976304014'"

Also very new to coding

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