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Surface soundEnviron

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Can't get the footstep sounds at my surfaces to work.

Is it because my surface .paa picture is renamed to matsch.paa?

i got no footstep sounds at any of my surface types.

I wrote the clutter.hpp and surfaces.hpp into my terrain config

because i thougt it has something to do with that but i still got no sounds.

my surface .hpp look like this (just a litle snippet)

class CfgSurfaces


class Default {};

class matsch_Surface : Default


files = "matsch_*";

rough = 1;

dust = 0.05;

soundEnviron = "dirt";

character = "matsch_Character";

soundHit = "soft_ground";



class CfgSurfaceCharacters


class matsch_Character






Everythings works fine... the surface and clutter etc.

just the damned footstep sounds make me wanna cry!

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Can't get the footstep sounds at my surfaces to work.

Is it because my surface .paa picture is renamed to matsch.paa?

i got no footstep sounds at any of my surface types.

I wrote the clutter.hpp and surfaces.hpp into my terrain config

because i thougt it has something to do with that but i still got no sounds.

my surface .hpp look like this (just a litle snippet)

class CfgSurfaces


class Default {};

class matsch_Surface : Default


files = "matsch_*";

rough = 1;

dust = 0.05;

soundEnviron = "dirt";

character = "matsch_Character";

soundHit = "soft_ground";



class CfgSurfaceCharacters


class matsch_Character






Everythings works fine... the surface and clutter etc.

just the damned footstep sounds make me wanna cry!

I posted in another thread...using class Default{}; is wrong....that wipes the class out.

use it like this:

 class Default;

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Post your config and the island config please

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Got the same problem: no sound on surface. The only place where sound is Ok is asphalt roads. Counds like a concrete. everything else is soundless. Clutter is Ok, textures is fine..  but no sound, no dust, no speed adjustment effect... only clutter works fine

tried almost everything

class default {}; / class Default;
class FGF_FGF_Elafonisos_Concrete_Surface : Default / GdtConcrete
tried with access = 2;  and without it... nothing works

tried config world from default (class FGF_Elafonisos: CAWorld) and from Stratis (from tutorial: class yourtag_yourproject: Stratis)
(FGF = tag / FGF_Elafonisos = project name)

no sound / no dust/ no hope

        class default {};
        class FGF_FGF_Elafonisos_Beach_Surface : Default
		files = "fgf_fgf_elafonisos_beach*";
		character = "Empty";
		rough = 0.09;
		maxSpeedCoef = 0.7;
		dust = 0.5;
		soundEnviron = "sand";		
		soundHit = "soft_ground";
		lucidity = 1;
		grassCover = 0.03;		 

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Clutter is Ok, textures is fine..  but no sound, no dust, no speed adjustment effect... only clutter works fine


Welcome to the club, you're not the only one, I have a post Here about the same thing :)

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Welcome to the club, you're not the only one, I have a post Here about the same thing :)

yes. i've read that post... same problem... but i have dust and sound on my road. so the "system" itself is working but not on surfaces

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I use Addon Builder to binarize my terrain.

If i don't binarize, everything works fine and got my surface sounds.

So when i'm finaly ready with object placement i buy mikeros tools, think that should fix the problems.


Addon Builder fu%#s shit up like taliban in hammerpants ...or i'm to stupid to use it correctly  :blink: 

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Addon Builder fu%#s shit up like taliban in hammerpants ...or i'm to stupid to use it correctly  :blink:

yes the problem is in Addon Builder

uncheck Binarize and get map symbols, structures shapes, forest shapes and soundEnviron...

i cant understand why BIS even release such software as AB... its completely useles

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