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Adding Concrete to map

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Alright I'm sorry if there is already a post about it but I couldn't find it for this small piece of information of adding concrete to your map now I ask a lot of people on Skype and I even ask Aussie. but I still don't understand. But this is something I do ask for you guys who do know how to do this. "How do I do this step by step?" Plus I know a lot of people would love to know how to do this.

Also I have the textures and I have it added to my layers.cfg.

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You add it via your mask, paint a section where you want concrete a unique colour on your mask.

Then in layers.cfg assign the path to the concrete .rvmat and add the unique colour you used, just like any other ground surface.

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1. Your cfgSurface.hpp should like this:

class CfgSurfaces 
class Default {};
       class YOURNAME_concrete_Surface : Default
	files = "YOURNAME_concrete*";
	character = "Empty";
	soundEnviron = "concrete";
	soundHit = "concrete";
	rough = 0.05;
	maxSpeedCoef = 1;
	dust = 0.05;
	lucidity = 0.3;
	grassCover = 0.0;
	impact = "hitConcrete";

 //blablalblalblalb here are the other surfacetypes....

class CfgSurfaceCharacters

     // you dont need any Characters for concrete

2. cfgLayers:

class Layers

class YOURNAME_concrete
   texture = "YOURFOLDER\data\YOURNAME_concrete_co.paa";
   material= "YOURFOLDER\data\YOURNAME_concrete.rvmat";


class Legend

 class Colors

3. Mask:

A mask should look like this: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/File:Jnn_corazol_mask.jpg

And the part of your map where you want the concrete you have to set the color which you have set in the layer.cfg (in this case grey)

4. In TB this should look like this http://puu.sh/ic1LQ/b5c712dba2.png

And thats it I thinks ;) I hope I haven't forgotten anything


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1. Your cfgSurface.hpp should like this:

class CfgSurfaces 
[color="#FF0000"]class Default {};
[/color]        class YOURNAME_concrete_Surface : Default
	files = "YOURNAME_concrete*";
	character = "Empty";
	soundEnviron = "concrete";
	soundHit = "concrete";
	rough = 0.05;
	maxSpeedCoef = 1;
	dust = 0.05;
	lucidity = 0.3;
	grassCover = 0.0;
	impact = "hitConcrete";

 //blablalblalblalb here are the other surfacetypes....

class CfgSurfaceCharacters

     // you dont need any Characters for concrete


that is very wrong...don't use {}; because you will wipe the class out....

use it like this

class Default;

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Hey M1lkm8n,

thanks, I´ve only copied the code from the map_data config :eek:

Sorry for that ;)


Edited by Guest

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Hehe. Don't let it happen again. Or I'll tell...someone... :p

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