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Best AI improvement mod

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Which would you guys say is the best AI improvement mod for Arma 3? I feel that the vanilla AI is too passive, they're generally bad at detecting enemies, and they don't make good use of cover and buildings, as well as not sharing information with each other.

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For me its ASR AI. Reliable, configurable, and has all the bells and whistles you could want.

On a secondary note this topic should have been posted in the Addon & Mod: Discussion section. Not here.

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What improvment you are looking for? Reaction to fire and firefight improvments or whole comanding improvments?

For firefight I have used ASR AI and it was good, and worked well with other mods like Alive.

For comanding Alive or DAC, both are good, yet Alive is easier to use.

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I believe this should be in the discussion section. I too am personally looking for the best AI mod and I am torn between ASR and Bcombat. Bcombat from what I've noticed has units going prone when they are fired at, while realistic seems kind of odd when in urban environments. It can be configured a lot but as of now ASR is my preference for ease of use.

Another AI mod to look at was vcom AI. Last time I checked it hasn't been updated but the creator plans to update it eventually.

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