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Action::Process - No target [action: DropBag]

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Anyone got an idea why dropping bags with an action (see: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Actions#DropBag), as in:

_backpack = unitBackpack _unit;
_backpackWH = "GroundWeaponHolder" createVehicle (position _unit);
_backpackType = typeOf _backpack;

_unit action ["DropBag", _backpackWH, _backpackType];

...does not work most of the time, while:

Action::Process - No target [action: DropBag]

...pops up in the RPT-file instead?

And here comes the kicker: sometimes (very infrequently/rarely) it does actually work, and the unit puts his stupid backpack down! Wait what?!

I've tried to reveal the weapon holder to the unit, put in a delay between creation and calling the action... all to no avail. What's going on? Is it ticket-time again?

EDIT: Ah, okay. Got it.

Just use "PutBag" instead (see: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?189107-Script-AI-to-drop-folded-tripod&highlight=DropBag+action):

_unit action ["PutBag"];

...and that works.

Still, what's up with that broken(?) "DropBag" command? :rolleyes:

2nd EDIT: Well, screw "PutBag", that pointer to the weaponholder was handy (e.g. if you'd like to take that very bag again later on...).

So I've opened a new ticket, feel free to vote: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=23841 :cool:

Edited by ruebe

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