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Linux questions

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I'm having some trouble getting the dedicated Linux server (1.90f) to work and I wonder if anyone can answer some queries.

First, do I transfer the entire OpFlash directory across from my win2k box, down to the last .exe and .html file, the win32 dedicated server .exes, all my add-ons, etc.? Does it have to be in a folder owned by root or will a user folder do?

Second, does the Linux server run on all Linux file systems? I'm using Reiser. I tried to install it the other day following a readme (with all proggies installed - uudecode, gcc, etc.) but the result was a disaster - the install process locked up and I was left with a whole lot of read-only files I couldn't remove, even using chattr. As a result, my Linux install of SuSE 8.1 went tits up due to file system corruption. Don't want this to happen again.

If I can get the Linux server running this would be an ideal solution for me as it means I can serve off a second pc.

Thanks in advance for any feedback.

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I made a batch file some time ago which will do a tar(.gz) archive of the required files for you, you can download it from http://koti.mbnet.fi/kegetys/flashpoint/linuxarch10.zip, it has the required exe files and a readme which tells you how to use it.

The server runs fine for any user of course, and running it as root isnt a very good idea anyhow. It also should really make no difference what file system you use, though the last time i checked reiserfs was still in a testing/beta state so it getting corrupted propably isnt the ofp servers fault...

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Maybe you should check you umask settings also.

Kegetys: have you modified/updated your "needed files list" since you first posted it or is it still the same? Cause Shrike (iirc) mentioned a missing flag (white flag iirc) in the dataminimal.pbo and there are (very few) missions that don't run on my server which uses your original file list. The missions that do not work may have other reasons but i just wanted to ask the source wink.gif

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Thanks y'all for replies. I'm using the tool you suggested which is extremely helpful of you, and I will have a second go over the next couple of days.

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