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WHAT the heck do this key bindings do?

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Can the community please give me a detailed explanation as to what these keybindings even do? I never use them and wonder if they will effect my gameplay

Weapons -> Gun Elevation Up

Weapons -> Gun Elevation Down

Weapons -> Slow Gun Elevation

Weapons -> Auto Gun Elevation

Weapons -> Reveal Target

View -> Tactial View

View -> Command Watch

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Gun elevation up/down is for artillery units, get in one as gunner, use those keys and you change the elevation of the barrel manually.

Slow gun elevation is the same as above but does it slower so you can be more precise, for me it's bound to shift and the above commands are page up/down so Shift+page up/down is a slow change

Auto gun elevation-actually never used it, probably linked to above

Reveal Target-Definitely works when in command of a squad, might work as a subordinate. Basically put the cursor over an enemy, press the button and you call it out to your team mates so they can target it, can be a bit finnicky as to whether the game thinks you can actually see anything, usually takes a few goes.

Tactical View-When you're in command of a squad it gives you an extra slightly elevated view, in theory to make it easier to command. Personally I hate it and never touch it but I guess some people like it.

Command watch-not a brilliant name but when you're commanding a squad or in high command by default when you point at something you get an option to tell them to move there, by pressing command watch you get slightly different options, the default one being to "Watch there", which will tell the unit or group to watch a certain position or unit.

Hope this helps a bit.

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thanks for the help but Bohemia needs to change the name of those elevation keybindings and add artillery to the name

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