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How to use two keys folders for two servers ?

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I would like to use two keys folders how is this done ?

We have a dedicated box.

On the dedicated box Arma3 is installed.

We use .bats to run the instances called Alpha, Bravo and Charlie of the server from inside Arma3 root.

Each has its own Server_Name folder inside the Arma3 root with its own .profile and configs etc.

the .bat code is :-

start /high /W arma3server.exe -port=2346 -config=Server_Charlie\serverCharlie.cfg -cfg=Server_Charlie\ArmA3Mod.cfg -profiles=Server_Charlie -name=Server_Charlie -enableHT "-mod=@ASM;@CBA_A3"

But each server instance uses the same Keys folder.

We would like to not allow any mods on Charlie except ASM and CBA obviously for the server itself.

Which we cannot do because Alpha and Bravo use mods.

Any help would be great.


Edited by BL1P

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Option 1:

Each server instance is in its own installation folder (A copy of the master)

Each server therefore has then has its own unique keys folder

Option 2:

If you are only using 1 Arma3 installation due to hard drive space limitations, then when the batch file is run,

  • mirror the install keys folder with the required source folder
  • mirror the MpMissions folder with the addon missions in a selected source folder

For a simplistic approach, create a different batch for each "Server"

Make sure the batch kills the ArmA3 "service" or "Process" before it runs

set _SourceDir=d:\Games\A3\A3Master\CharlieServer
set _DestDir=d:\Games\A3\A3Master

 	robocopy %_SourceDir%\Keys	        %_DestDir%\keys		        /MIR
 	robocopy %_SourceDir%\MpMissions	%_DestDir%\MpMissions		/MIR

Edited by Terox
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Thanks Ill give option 2 a try.

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