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What official SP or CAMP mission is the best one?

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Just wanna know wich of the official SP or MP mission do you fancy most of all?

Me persanally the first mission I ever tried was BOMBERMAN... (Did that after the trainging in the campaign).

I cannot describe the feel that I experienced when I played BOMBERMAN.... WOOW this was so cool.

Another strong impression I remeber when I was playing the campaign and the mission were you are a Black OP and you are suppose to destroy three shilka's.  I played that mission in a darkned room late one night! This mission is crucial that you are stealth and quite.... After a while in the game I found myself tipping the keystrokes on my keyboard very carefully and silent!!!!! (As if hard keystrokes would expose my character for the enemy)!!!!

(When this happens, I guess that you can say that you are really INSIDE THE gameplay)!!!!

These two mission  are the strongest impressions I gotten so far in OFP!!

Merry Christmas, everyone!

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I Like the new SP mission, I thinks its "Battlefield" arrived with the Gold Upgrade Yesterday...

It has a little warning that you shouldnt play it unless you have a 1gig CPU or above:)

Its brilliant, Not very Mapping Tool"l but Load loads of troops, loads of enemies loads of explosions... This was the sort of mission the Original Campaign missed out on..

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I liked all of the black op missions (except Recon because finding those Shilkas is a pain in the ass) and I also liked After Montignac and Hold Malden. The night patrol mission was good and atmospheric, but too easy.

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Bomberman (as long as Bravo squad pulls their weight), with the M21. smile.gif

Also the SP mission where you are commander of a squad and you have lots of vehciles to choose from at the start, whats it called? :confused:

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Um, it's called Commander :cheesy: in the SP missions

the one where you have to help out a village then help defend another US base.

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Its got lots of action all the way smile.gif

I like Spec Ops missions (very atmospheric) too but i get tired of sneaking about. Plus i'm no good at them, I always get spotted by something bigger and meaner sad.gif

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In Hind Attack you can shoot everybody in the base with your squad, so that must be one of the best if not the best black op mission. Plus you get to blow up a lot of stuff :biggrin:

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I personally like Revenge. It was great when it came out, and with Red Hammer it makes it even better with new voices :-). Battlefeild is great too if you have a good comp.. even my 700 mhz and 256+ memory slowed down slightly.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from MotherRussiaAK74 on 12:48 am on Dec. 23, 2001

I personally like Revenge. It was great when it came out, and with Red Hammer it makes it even better with new voices :-). Battlefeild is great too if you have a good comp.. even my 700 mhz and 256+ memory slowed down slightly.<span id='postcolor'>

Have not played Revenge yet! must do that right now. Yea, battlefield is very good must be even better know with the improved AI in 1.4. d*amn! Must try that again, thank goodness I'm on christmas vacation.

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Battlefield is now playable for me with the updated AI in 1.40... my PIII-550 chugs in the early part of the mission, but the main problem with 1.30 was simply that the AIs would shoot each other in the back due to the broken friendly-fire code. And I got about fifteen kills, which surprised even me.

However, I guess 'Saboteur' is probably my favorite mission overall, or at least the one I replay the most. I'm not really into command missions, so I prefer the ones where I'm on my own or playing as a grunt rather than a commander.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Damage Inc on 1:18 pm on Dec. 22, 2001

In Hind Attack you can shoot everybody in the base with your squad, so that must be one of the best if not the best black op mission. Plus you get to blow up a lot of stuff :biggrin:

<span id='postcolor'>

You need the element of surprise, my version of the element of surprise is pulling out a bigger weapon :biggrin: Surprise!

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I like to let the enemy know I'm there by unleashing a wall of lead right at them.

Missions like Montignac Must fall. It's easy but fun, as long as you capture it first then pull out.

I just don't like it when you fire a flare (as your a grenadier), you told to retreat straigt away (the quick ending).

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Fire a flare? I thought you get told to retreat when your squad gets killed (getting you to the Strange Meeting mission).

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I just tested it and I didn't get told to retreat after firing a flare, so it must have been a coincidence.

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I think I know. I just tested it on V1.4, with the super AI disabled. When I fired a flare, the other squads were still alive, and I took the village. In the previous versions, I think the AI were so good, every time I fired a flare, they east spotted the other squads and took them out. Logical reason or what:)

(Edited by Intruder at 12:55 pm on Dec. 23, 2001)

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on montignac must fall you get the mission 'after montignac' i think its called if you take montignac, where all of your squad has been killed and you have to evac. that was one of my favorites, because before i found this forum i didnt know there was a uaz you sould steal smile.gif i went straight south, over the hills, by the time i finished it, i had killed something like 30 russians and 1 bmp (and i ran into a squad of friendlies on my way too, but i didnt follow them, as they were on an obvious suicide mission heading towards the enemy, not away) I ran out of ammo for my m-16, so i grabbed a pk, and ran out of ammo for that too biggrin.gif i have bad aim

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I've just reconsider after playing battlefields once again in ver 1.40. This is on #### uf a fun mission. d*amn this is the bets mission form bis!

manny new year!

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