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ARMA 3: Where are Missions you have played?

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Hello Everyone,

I'm sorry if this has been discussed to death guys. I've searched online and this BIS forums and can't seem to find the answer I'm looking for. Everything I've searched keeps going back to the Steam Workshop missions you can download but that is not what I'm looking for.

So if you join a online coop server, you then get the automatic download of the mission PBO. Where is this file stored so me and some buddies can play it on our own? I've drilled through the ARMA 3 folder structure and all the mission folders are empty so I'm lost to where these PBOs are being saved.

Any help I'd appreciate it.

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C:\Users\<windows user name>\AppData\Local\Arma 3\MPMissionsCache

Make sure you set up the option to see hidden & system directories.

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