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Jet Dogfighting against AI Player - Questions

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Hello everyone!

I created a custom scenario with two jets (one player controlled, by me, and the other AI controlled) in FLYING formation facing head-on against each other. What I wanted was the AI jet to follow and try to attack me after the fly-by. Instead it goes straight and doesn't notice me at all. I've tried make the SKILL parameter of the AI jet maximum, but it also doesn't do the job!

1. Is there any way I can improve the AI of AI so that the AI jet actually attacks me?

2. Also, is there a way to force the AI jet to use cannons-only?

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Thanks! I'll try those and report back. Also, I wanted to know whether using mods, like RHS (OPFOR planes), have to do anything with the AI not reacting?

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Unless the configuring of their weapons is off then there's no reason that they shouldn't react. But yes, removing all non-gun magazines or weapons would be the fastest way to force "guns only​".

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