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Drawdown on Elite - Adams stuck prone near armor at Point X-Ray

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The armor at Point X-Ray has a gunner in it, which is new (guess its an elite difficulty thing).

Adams goes prone on the cusp of the rise and stays there.

I have no AT and cannot find any anywhere either.

I've got 4 RGO's, 2 RGN's; their combined damage does nothing to the armor.

Is this normal behaviour? I can't move on because Adams is staying prone in grass. When I approach him he puts his fist in the air to signal "hold" and thats it...

i'm stuck.

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Are you using any AI mods or addons that spawn ambient units like TPW?

You shouldn't be encountering any armoured vehicles since there are none present in the mission to begin with. Point X-Ray should only have two wrecked (and locked) NATO vehicles there that aren't manned, and Adams should automatically move after the AAF fireteam there gets killed.

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Hi. Thanks for the reply. I have got ASR AI3 running. It appeared that if I killed all but one of the the AAF fireteam at X-Ray, the last one would run into the armor for cover! He would then man the gun and try to shoot us haha. It must have been ASR AI3 creating that behaviour. No idea how the AI got in the armor!

It just happened again on the mission where you secure LZ Connor and the homestead south of that base. I've eliminated the AAF and secured the objective, but Hawkins is laying prone on the edge of the homestead yelling "out of ammo" every couple of minutes. Have to redo the whole mission... :(

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