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dzn_dynai: Another Editor-based Spawning Script in the name of the Emperor

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Hello, I’ve made another useless scripting stuff for spawning units inside trigger zones, but maybe it would be useful for someone. It’s soooo WIP.

dzn_dynai (R0)

Github: https://github.com/10Dozen/dzn_dynai


I’ve honestly tried to use DAC, but I’m not so smart to understand it's magic. And because I'm a sort of not-smart man, I’ve created this stuff instead.

For use you should copy files to your mission folder and open mission in editor.

  1. Place BIS modules: Modules > Mics > Spawn AI: Spawnpoint (classname “ModuleSpawnAIPoint_Fâ€) and name it somehow unique (e.g. hostileZone1)
  2. Place 2 GameLogic objects with names like “dzn_dynai_area{YourUniqueTextHere}†and “dzn_dynai_wp{YourUniqueTextHere}â€.
  3. Synchronize GameLogics with module
  4. Create 1+ triggers to represent area for unit spawn (only size and direction matters). Synchronize them with “dzn_dynai_area†object.
  5. If you want to place custom keypoints for groups to patrol – add several waypoints for “dzn_dynai_wp†GameLogic†(only waypoint positions will be used). If no waypoint set – every group will generate own random path inside given area.
  6. Go to dzn_dynai folder and open dzn_dynai_customZones.sqf
  7. Look for example and create your custom zone (or change the name of existing one). There youkan set groups of units, gear and behavior of units in zone.
  8. Update your init.sqf and run mission
  9. After mission start, script will check all modules and will prepare zone properties for use. When zone’s “isActive†variable == “trueâ€, zone will be filled by given group types (according to given quantity, for each group type). If kit passed, unit will get given gear kit.
    Then groups will patrol area or will stay in houses (if [“indoorsâ€] option where chosen)

(!) There is no performance control (e.g. units despawn). Use BIS Simulation Manager module or some other scripts (e.g. – simulation manager of F3 Framework).

(!) Not tested on HC

(!) There is no respawns.


  • Allows to create zones of enemy spawning (1 wave by zone)
  • Allows to spawn specified groups of units/vehicles, set their behavior, combat mode, speed and formation. Assign specified gear to each member of group.
  • Allows to activate zone during the mission, not only at mission start.
  • Allows to move zones before activation
  • Allow to specify skill of units (see dzn_dynai_init.sqf)

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