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Questions about security of DLL extensions

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Hello everyone! I have some questions about my PC protection from sides addons developers.

I read this thread https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Extensions and know what DLLs from addons can steal information about my PC (like in article says: "Anything you can do to the computer the dll can do")

And the question: Can code in .PBO files from sides addons steal my data (if it have some bad codes inside .pbo), or it is imposible?

For example: reg. files from registry (values from regedit) or my PC configuration data, passwords and other.


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I don't think you can hide a DLL in a pbo, but if you do install a dll then yes, they can steal the lot.

So be sure you know what you are putting on your PC. (Check with other forum users/other sources/source code on Github etc).

afaik, pbo's can only contain scripts and configs, so you should be ok as they can only do stuff in game.

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