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Daylight Targeting Module, modded flashlight

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Hey folks, Im trying to create a flashlight based accessory that would (try to) pretend to be a laser pointer. However I cant get my DTL to show up in the arsenal. Heres my config:

// config.bin - 08:19:21 01/07/15, generated in 0.02 seconds
// Generated by unRap v1.06 by Kegetys
// Separate rootclasses: Disabled, Automatic comments: Enabled

class CfgPatches {
class DTL {
	units[] = {};
	weapons[] = {"acc_DTL"};
	requiredVersion = 1.0;
	requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Weapons_F", "A3_Weapons_F_Items"};
class cfgWeapons {
class ItemCore;	// External class reference
class acc_flashlight;	// External class reference
class InventoryFlashLightItem_Base_F;	// External class reference

class acc_DTL : acc_flashlight {
	scope = 2;
	displayName = "DTL";
	descriptionUse = "Daylight Targeting Module";
	picture = "\A3\weapons_F\Data\UI\gear_accv_flashlight_CA.paa";
	model = "\A3\weapons_f\acc\accv_Flashlight_F";
	descriptionShort = "Daylight Targeting Module";

	class ItemInfo : InventoryFlashLightItem_Base_F {
		mass = 4;

		class FlashLight {
			color[] = {255, 0, 0};
			ambient[] = {0.9, 0, 0};
			intensity = 100;
			size = 1;
			innerAngle = 1;
			outerAngle = 1;
			coneFadeCoef = 0;
			position = "flash dir";
			direction = "flash";
			useFlare = 0;
			flareSize = 1.4;
			flareMaxDistance = "100.0f";
			dayLight = 1;

			class Attenuation {
				start = 100;
				constant = 0;
				linear = 0;
				quadratic = 0;
				hardLimitStart = 100;
				hardLimitEnd = 100;
			scale[] = {0};
	inertia = 0.1;

Any idea why it isnt working? A3 defiantly loads it up, I made an intentional error to see if it loads at all.

Edited by Taro8

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scopeCurator=2; \\ for zeus I presume

scopeArsenal=2; \\ and arsenal

I think these are the commands you're looking for. Although I maybe barking up the wrong tree as I'm just getting to grips with simple configs and even those...:D

I hope this helps you out and I'd love to see a visible green lazer. Great for pointing out things when the usual "half right 300m" is failing and you don't want to put rounds down.


Excuse my ignorance if this is totally wrong but would you not need a cfg vehicles too?

I was looking through da12th's LDS config and his is very similar to yours but has the vehicle class too.

I changed the refrences from rksl and da12th to fit your config, but it's all his work.

class CfgVehicles


class InventoryFlashLightItem_Base_F;

class acc_DTL: InventoryFlashLightItem_Base_F;


scope = 2;

scopeCurator = 2;

scopeArsenal = 2;

displayName = "DTL";

author = "Taro8";

vehicleClass = "WeaponAccessories";

class TransportItems


class acc_DTL


name = "acc_DTL";

count = 1;





\\ Totally ripped off the hard work from da12th if it works mind ;) but he's a good bloke and I'm sure he'd be fine with me passing on his wisdom.

Edited by Section 20
ahh bit slow sometimes and forgot to add the scopearsenal

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Nope still not it. Maybe Ill try editing the flashlight itself first to check if its even worth it.

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