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Arma 3 Turret Source

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The story behind this is that I wanted turrets on my vehicles but I always kind of liked turret commonality so that I wasn't running around with fifty different kinds of turrets on each of my vehicles. The turret that BIS stuck on their vehicles - albeit copy-and-pasted - looked cool and modular and, since my arsenal was a mix of content ranging from A3 assets to custom and ported stuff, I decided I liked that. Because plowing through their binarized stuff is a no-no, I took a ton of pictures and went to work building a lookalike from scratch. Originally developed straight-up for the CSAT Modification Project, I decided to throw together some textures for the other two factions and release the whole thing.

This isn't a 100% faithful remake, mostly because when I set out to do something I end up unable to fully carry out my mind's vision. It might be a bit janky in some areas because my texture skills aren't the greatest. However, I think it's good enough for most and it's hard to tell the difference unless you're actively looking for it or up close with it, and even then I don't think it's that bad. It's here for people to update, anyway.

This is the data for the turret, not a packed PBO or anything.


Basically, how it works is you choose the base turret P3D and whatever barrel you want to stick on. Copy and paste those together in O2 and you're set. You might need to reposition it to fit on your vehicle but it's all scaled and whatnot correctly. All the selections and proxies and memory points are there, written in English for the most part. Basically, it worked for me so it should work for you. RVMATs and textures are included. You only need to replace the PATH\ with whatever your path is. The model.cfg for the sample tank is good for the turret, just copy and paste that into yours and change the selections. You can find config examples with it, too.

Anyways, here it is all open source and whatnot. Take it, use it, abuse it.


I'll take feedback, especially for anything crucial I might have missed while putting this up. Enjoy!

Edited by TheEvanCat
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