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Spawned Group Not Disembarking from Spawned Vehicle

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I've been racking my brain out over this for days, and decided to post here for some help. I've tried several solutions I found by searching for similar problems, but none worked. The short of it is I have a trigger that fires once a town has been sufficiently cleared of enemies. When it fires, it calls a script that spawns a T-80 (I'm using RHS), a BMP-1 and a group of soldiers that are cargoed in the BMP for a counterattack. This all seems to work fine. The problem I have is that when the BMP reaches the specified waypoint to unload the troops, the troops refuse to get out no matter what I try. Below is the code I've been using (I removed the T-80 for brevity since that works):

if (!isServer) exitWith {};

_rucrew2 = creategroup EAST;
_bmp1 = [getmarkerpos "russpawn1", 003, "rhs_bmp1d_msv", _rucrew2] call bis_fnc_spawnvehicle;

_wp1a = _rucrew2 addwaypoint [(getmarkerpos "ruswp1"), 0];
_wp1a setwaypointtype "MOVE";
_wp1a setwaypointspeed "NORMAL";
_wp1a setwaypointbehaviour "SAFE";

_wp2a = _rucrew2 addwaypoint [(getmarkerpos "ruswp2"), 0];
_wp2a setwaypointtype "MOVE";
_wp2a setwaypointspeed "NORMAL";
_wp2a setwaypointbehaviour "AWARE";
_wp2a setwaypointstatements ["true", "0 = [] spawn {{unassignVehicle _x ; _x action ["Eject",  _bmp1]; sleep 1;} forEach (assignedCargo _bmp1);}"];

_wp3a = _rucrew2 addwaypoint [(getmarkerpos "ruswp4"), 0];
_wp3a setwaypointtype "SAD";
_wp3a setwaypointspeed "NORMAL";
_wp3a setwaypointcompletionradius 75;
_wp3a setwaypointbehaviour "COMBAT";

_rusquad1 = [getmarkerpos "russpawn1", EAST, ["rhs_msv_sergeant","rhs_msv_machinegunner","rhs_msv_rifleman","rhs_msv_grenadier","rhs_msv_medic","rhs_msv_LAT","rhs_msv_machinegunner_assistant",],[],[],[.7],[],[],003] call bis_fnc_spawngroup;

_wp1b = _rusquad1 addwaypoint [(getmarkerpos "ruswp4"), 0];
_wp1b setwaypointtype "SAD";
_wp1b setwaypointcompletionradius 100;
_wp1b setwaypointbehaviour "COMBAT";

sleep .5;
{_x assignascargo _bmp1; _x moveincargo _bmp1;} foreach units _rusquad1;

I've also tried this to no avail:

if (!isServer) exitWith {};

_rucrew2 = creategroup EAST;
_bmp1 = [getmarkerpos "russpawn1", 003, "rhs_bmp1d_msv", _rucrew2] call bis_fnc_spawnvehicle;

_wp1a = _rucrew2 addwaypoint [getmarkerpos "ruswp1", 0];
[_rucrew2,0] setwaypointtype "MOVE";
[_rucrew2,0] setwaypointspeed "NORMAL";
[_rucrew2,0] setwaypointbehaviour "SAFE";

_wp2a = _rucrew2 addwaypoint [getmarkerpos "ruswp2", 1];
[_rucrew2,1] setwaypointtype "TR UNLOAD";
[_rucrew2,1] setwaypointspeed "NORMAL";
[_rucrew2,1] setwaypointbehaviour "AWARE";

_wp3a = _rucrew2 addwaypoint [getmarkerpos "ruswp4", 2];
[_rucrew2,2] setwaypointtype "SAD";
[_rucrew2,2] setwaypointspeed "NORMAL";
[_rucrew2,2] setwaypointbehaviour "COMBAT";

_rusquad1 = [getmarkerpos "russpawn1", EAST, ["rhs_msv_sergeant","rhs_msv_machinegunner","rhs_msv_rifleman","rhs_msv_grenadier","rhs_msv_medic","rhs_msv_LAT","rhs_msv_machinegunner_assistant",],[],[],[.7],[],[],003] call bis_fnc_spawngroup;

_wp1b = _rusquad1 addwaypoint [getmarkerpos "rusgo", 0];
[_rusquad1,0] setwaypointtype "GETOUT";
[_rusquad1,0] setwaypointbehaviour "AWARE";
[_rucrew2,1] synchronizewaypoint [[_rusquad1,0]];

_wp2b = _rusquad1 addwaypoint [getmarkerpos "ruswp4", 1];
[_rusquad1,1] setwaypointtype "SAD";
[_rusquad1,1] setwaypointbehaviour "COMBAT";

sleep .5;
{_x moveincargo _bmp1;} foreach units _rusquad1;

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

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I had to change the type of units as I didn't have the ones your using.

You may want to enable showscripting errors in launcher or read this http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?121163-Script-not-working-Use-the-showScriptErrors-parameter!

if (!isServer) exitWith {};

_rucrew2 = creategroup EAST;
_bmp1grp = [getmarkerpos "russpawn1", 003, "O_Truck_02_transport_F", _rucrew2] call bis_fnc_spawnvehicle;
_bmp1 = _bmp1grp select 0;// extract vehicle from the _bmp1grp array.

_wp1a = _rucrew2 addwaypoint [(getmarkerpos "ruswp1"), 20];
_wp1a setwaypointtype "MOVE";
_wp1a setwaypointspeed "NORMAL";
_wp1a setwaypointbehaviour "SAFE";

_wp2a = _rucrew2 addwaypoint [(getmarkerpos "ruswp2"), 20];
_wp2a setwaypointtype "MOVE";
_wp2a setwaypointspeed "NORMAL";
_wp2a setwaypointbehaviour "AWARE";
_wp2a setwaypointstatements ["true", "0 = vehicle this spawn {{unassignVehicle _x ; _x action ['Eject', vehicle _this]; sleep 1;} forEach (assignedCargo _this);}"];// you can't use local variables
_wp3a = _rucrew2 addwaypoint [(getmarkerpos "ruswp4"), 20];
_wp3a setwaypointtype "SAD";
_wp3a setwaypointspeed "NORMAL";
_wp3a setwaypointcompletionradius 75;
_wp3a setwaypointbehaviour "COMBAT";

_rusquad1 = [getmarkerpos "russpawn1", EAST, ["O_Soldier_AR_F","O_Soldier_AR_F","O_Soldier_AR_F","O_Soldier_AR_F","O_Soldier_AR_F","O_Soldier_AR_F","O_Soldier_AR_F"],[],[],[],[],[],0.1] call bis_fnc_spawngroup;// yours gave an error

_wp1b = _rusquad1 addwaypoint [(getmarkerpos "ruswp4"), 10];
_wp1b setwaypointtype "SAD";
_wp1b setwaypointcompletionradius 100;
_wp1b setwaypointbehaviour "COMBAT";

sleep .5;
{_x assignascargo _bmp1; _x moveincargo  _bmp1;} foreach units _rusquad1;

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Thanks F2k Sel! Your fixed script worked perfectly. The comments were helpful in understanding where I went wrong too. I'll also add that showscripting errors parameter as it should make life a little easier when hunting down these problems. Thanks again.

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