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Linker Split

Problem with spawn command

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Hi guys!

I'm creating a script that should save objects and their properties into an array dinamically (looping every 5 seconds) that must be used into another script.

Basically, arguments are:

_obj = a tent;

_items = an empty array to be filled with objects;

_arrItems: all the items the tent is already carrying;

_nmbr = a number used to save and pick the correct tent from a function (which is out of interest here);

_numToCheck = as above;

_uniID = as above.

The following two function are compiled within the init.sqf.

I've made a function EPfn_saveInventory which must loop and check for new objects inside the tent:

EPfn_saveInventory =
_obj = _this select 0;
_items = _this select 1;
_arrItems = items _obj;
_count = count _arrItems;
_i = 0;
if (_count == 0) exitWith {diag_log "NO OBJECTS INTO THE ARRITEMS"};
while {_i < _count} do
	diag_log format["EPfn_saveInventory COUNT IS %1, _I is %2, ITEMS ARE %3",_count,_i,_arrItems];
	_item = (_arrItems select _i);
               _type = typeOf _item;
	_Dam = damage _item;
	_qty = quantity _item;
	_newArr = [_type ,_Dam,_qty];
	_items set [_i,_newArr];
	sleep 1;
	_i = _i+1;
diag_log format["EPfn_saveInventory ITEMS ARE %1",_items];

Passed arguments _obj, _items are from a function that (get looped by another script) which is EPfn_saveTentData. This function get looped because it must sve all the data of the tents.

EPfn_saveTentData = 
private ["_obj","_nmbr","_numToCheck","_uniID"];

_obj = _this select 0;

_nmbr = _this select 1;

_numToCheck = _this select 2;

_uniID = _this select 3;

_dam = damage _obj;

_dir = direction _obj;
_items = [];
[b][color="#FF0000"][_obj,_items] spawn EPfn_saveInventory;[/color][/b]

_type = typeOf _obj;

_xPos = (getPosASL _obj) select 0;
_yPos = (getPosASL _obj) select 1;
_zPos = (getPosASL _obj) select 2;

_globo = _obj getVariable ["globalID",[]];

_stringToPass = format["%1,%2,%3,%4,%5,%6,%7,%8,%9,%10",_uniID,_type,_nmbr,_numToCheck,_xPos,_yPos,_zPos,_dir,_dam,_items];

profileNameSpace setVariable [format["TENTOBJ%1",_nmbr],_stringToPass];



All the data of the tents are saved (position, damage, type, ID etc.) but I can't get the objects that a player puts inside the tent.

Indeed, the _stringToPass (which get saved like this: [TentMedium_Pitched,16,31,4708,10091.2,338.881,0,0,[]] in the profileNameSpace) has an empty [] at the end while there should be something like ["M16A2",0,0].

It doesn't see what is passed via EPfn_saveInventory (which instead gives me the correct data, I checked via diag_log).

What am I doing wrong?


I show you the RPT:

23:23:15 "EPfn_saveInventory COUNT IS 1, _I is 0, ITEMS ARE [Medical_Splint:2:30995]"

23:23:15 "EPfn_saveInventory ITEMS ARE [["Consumable_Chemlight_Blue",0.769509,0]]"

23:23:17 "itemsInCargo FROM EPfn_saveTentData IS []"

23:23:17 "GLOBALARRAY FROM EPfn_saveTentData IS ["TentMedium_Pitched",16,31,4708,10091.2,338.881,0,0,[]]"

First line of EPfn_saveInventory is executed (correct)

Second line of EPfn_saveInventory is executed (correct) which means that the code inside is correct

Third line of EPfn_saveTentData is executed but not correct: _items is still empty []

Fourth line of EPfn_saveTentData is executed but not correct, cause last object of the big array should contain ["Consumable_Chemlight_Blue",0.769509,0]

Edited by Linker Split

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Ok, I got it working. I modifed the function to be like this:

EPfn_saveInventory =
_obj = _this select 0;
_items = [];
_arrItems = items _obj;
_count = count _arrItems;
if (_count == 0) then 
	_items =[];
	for "_i" from 0 to (_count -1) do
		_item = (_arrItems select _i);
		_type = typeOf _item;
		_Dam = damage _item;
		_qty = quantity _item;
		_newArr = [_type,_Dam,_qty];
		_items set [_i,_newArr];
	diag_log format["EPfn_saveInventory ITEMS ARE %1",_items];

And it's called with this line:

_items = [_obj] call EPfn_saveInventory;


Now what I don't get is why is it saving string like this?


Edited by Linker Split

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Sorry can't really help but what is _qty = quantity _item; I thought it may be count but then _item would have to be an array wouldn't it?

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I noticed that too but forgot to post it.

Also, what are these inventory items?They cant be soldier inventory stuff because typeOf & damage wouldnt work on them. Are they cfgVehicle objects?

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I noticed that too but forgot to post it.

Also, what are these inventory items?They cant be soldier inventory stuff because typeOf & damage wouldnt work on them. Are they cfgVehicle objects?

I wasn't sure myself, I tried passing an actual item but nothing happened.

_count = count _arrItems; // returned 0

I then tried with a man and it returned 1

the script then crashes saying something about a string error caused by this line _type = typeOf _item;

I did mess about changing a few thing but could never get the double quotes.

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