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GoG's World - ARMA Wasteland - JSRS | ATM | $500 | HIGH FPS | SAVING | CBA (1.1|1.38)

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Welcome to GoG's World!

We are a well established community with a good number of regular players on our DayZ Epoch Chernarus server where we are currently GameTracker ranked in the Top 3 and have recently held first place. We have now set up this totally new server running a pure vanilla version of Wasteland. The version is 1.1 and is configured to run with an external database for better performance saving all player progress including vehicles, bases, character info etc. The server is also set to use the ATM feature so player money can be saved at the bank.

We have friendly active admins playing but, they are not there to be abused with TP requests and spawn vehicle requests where players have messed up or died. They are there to monitor potential hackers and recover problems from server glitches. Our admins won't troll you or interfere with your game unless you have requested help. They won't help you unless you are subject to a genuine glitch so as not to give you an unfair advantage over other players.

The server currently runs BattlEye and infiSTAR anti-hack programs.


  • ATM's - Drop your cash off at the nearest bank so, you don't lose it every time you die!
  • JSRS 3 RC4 DragonFyre - Sound mod
  • CBA_A3 1.0.9 - Community Based Addons (Support for JSRS)
  • 300+ Vehicles - Boats, Cars, Planes & Helis
  • Random Weapon Crates - Spawn in 50% of towns
  • Mag Repack - Repack many part spent ammo magazines
  • Fast Rope - Abseil from helis
  • Explosive To Vehicle - Attach demo charges to vehicles
  • Base Building - Spawn base parts in towns
  • Starting Money $5000 - Amount of money that players start with
  • Payroll $500 - Awarded every 30 minutes per territory held
  • Unlimited Stamina - Allow unlimited sprinting, jumping, etc.
  • Team Players on Map - Show all friendly players on the map at all times
  • Bleeding Time 120 - Time in seconds for which to allow revive after a critical injury
  • Saving - Player, Money, Purchased Vehicles, Mission Vehicles, Bases, Boxes, Static Weapons, Warchests, Warchest Money, Spawn Beacons
  • Group Management - See your friends tagged within 2.5kms in game and their position on the map anywhere. Communicate using group chat
  • Spawn Selector - Most major towns
  • Set View Distance - On Player Menu
  • Free Refuel - At all fuel stations, pumps, tanks etc (except gas tanks)
  • Lift & Tow - For most vehicles if not locked, Daisychaining off
  • Server Restarts - 02:00 & 14:00 GMT (Warnings at 15, 10, 5 & 1 min)
  • AI Missions - Up to 6 concurrent missions, spawning on land and sea, some with helicopter patrols

The server has extreme performance and runs on an Enterprise level dedicated box, has no errors running in the background and is backed up regularly.

Please post your suggestions for the server here or, ask the admins in game.

So, please come and join us! You can find more information about us and our servers at the web and TeamSpeak addresses above.

Edited by gogsworld

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Is JSRS required clientside?

Hi, yes you run JSRS on your client PC and the server has the key enabled to run it. To get the most out of the sounds and to get rid of annoying but benign warning message you should also run Community Based Addons.

You can get both from here

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  • CHANGE: Spawn vehicles increased to 600
  • CHANGE: Weapons crates spawn in 50% of towns

Apologies to anyone who may have been banned on the Wasteland server recently. We had made some 'improvements' to our anti-hack files and this resulted in some injector & camera (UAV) false positives. The problem has been fixed and the bans removed. Please join again if you were inadvertently caught up in this.

We have also changed the number of vehicles up to 600 and added weapon crates randomly to 50% of towns to get everyone going a bit quicker. Currently we only have heavy military vehicles, fixed guns and armed helis coming from missions or, from being from the store. We are considering adding these to random spawn but, would be really interested to hear feedback and opinions on this.

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  • CHANGE: Changed the map from Altis to Stratis
  • CHANGE: Spawn vehicles increased to 300
  • ADDED: Mag Repack script so you can repack many part spent ammo mags back to full mags
  • ADDED: Explosive to Vehicle script - set demo charges and explosives to vehicles
  • ADDED: Fastrope Script - Enables players to abseil from helis
  • UPDATE: Arma 3 to the new Marksmen version 1.42
  • ADDED: Marksmen DLC weapons, vests, uniforms and attachments to stores
  • ADDED: Marksmen DLC weapons & attachments to vehicle loot
  • UPDATE: infiSTAR anti-hack

As you can see from the list above, we have had a bit of a general rethink on the server based on us playing it and player feedback. So we've changed to a smaller map, Stratis especially while we build player population. We've updated to the new Marksmen DLC version but, taken the time to make sure that content is reworked into the files for the stores and vehicle loot. The additional scripts added were based on player feedback as some nice to haves to make the game play more fun.

Next on the roadmap which we are currently working on are service and supply vehicles so players can repair vehicles and restock their ammo. Also, sell trucks so you can sell vehicles.

Out there ideas which we are looking into are adding some of the RHS (red hammer studios) mods to bring that cold war feel to the server. However, we have concerns over adding mods as players can tend to get stuck lining up their mods in launchers etc. so, we'll probably see how we go with the stuff above first...

Please come and play and let us know what you think :)

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