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SurealWeatherSystem 0.01a

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This is a weather simulation Platform that is designed to make arma 3 weather simulation more realistic at this time, it's

much barebones and will be improved upon, depending on how many people actually make use of it.

There is a lot of redundant file.

(Link removed pending update)


in the init.sqf

_syncWeatherHandle = [] spawn SWS_fnc_CoreGeneratorSync;

and in description.ext

class CfgFunctions {

#include "SWS_Functions\cfgfunctions.hpp"


To be done:

Bug severities [Minor,Major,Critical,Severe]

Bug status [Fixed,Unfixed,Partially Fixed];

Addition Priorities [Low,Medium,High,Immediate]

Addition Status [Done, Not-Done, Partially Done]


[Minor] [Fixed] Out-of bounds on array selection allowed _PoolStore to become undefined.

[Minor] [unfixed] Undefined PublicVariable due to being un-created.


SurealWeatherSystem: 0.02a(alpha)

[High] [Done] Bypass normal lightning generation, and thunder

[High] [Done] Lightning Now has varied Pitch a Volume

[High] [Done] Double and Triple duplicate lightning events

[High] [Not Done] Varied Volume and Pitch depending on distance created from player

[High] [Not Done] Better Usage documentation

[High] [Not Done] Reduce loading on object creation.

[High] [Partially Done] Improve network handling and move publicVariable broadcasts to main generatorthread

[Medium] [Not-Done] Cause electromagnetic and electrical damage to vehicles that get struck (engine and headlight failure) (car dead)

[Medium] [Partially Done] Rain System improved much more advanced rain generation.

[Medium] [Partially Done] Look into eliminating unecessary instructions or reducing number of instructions.

Edited by Polymath820
Updated Version 0.02a

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