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L. Terry

Need help with small editor script

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Hi everyone I've been messing around with ofp mods in armed assault, if basically directly copied and pasted them in the armed assault addons folder, however the problem is that the fanctions in ofp are different for the ones in armed assault, so they won't show in the editor(that is my theory at least, based on trial and error,) I was wandering if you guys could please create a small script that automatically asssignes the units to their correct function

Eg "West" to ofp to be assigned in the blufor side and the "east" to the opfor side. Etc.

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"East" and "West" are sides, not factions. And they are the same in OFP, A1 and even A2.

Your first problem is that the OFP configs have no factions defines, like "USMC", "CDF" or "RU". And that no script can fix, you have to edit the config files for that.

The next problem, and thats much bigger, is that ArmA cant read the OFP p3d model format which is why nothing shows up.

There is no easy solution for that. You have to write proper configs and convert the model to the A1 format. And for that you need the source model (in mlod format).

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