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40mm GMG + Smoke Rounds

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Hello there,

I've been messing around with Hunter's 40mm GMG and got idea of adding smoke rounds as an additional magazine. However, GMG doesn't fire when custom magazine is loaded - according to the .rpt, "Unknown ammo used.". Wasn't ammo declared in cfgAmmo already? Gargh, here's the ammo-magazine-weapons parth of the config. Thanks in advance, guys!

class cfgAmmo
class G_40mm_Smoke;

class cfgMagazines
class 200Rnd_40mm_G_belt;
class 50Rnd_40mm_Smoke_Cbelt: 200Rnd_40mm_G_belt
	displayName = "50Rnd 40mm Smoke";
	ammo = "G_40mm_Smoke";
	displayNameShort = "Smoke";
	count = 50;

class cfgWeapons
class GMG_40mm;
class Special_GMG_40mm: GMG_40mm
	scope = 1;
	displayName = "$STR_A3_GMG_40mm0";
	magazines[] = 

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class cfgAmmo
class G_40mm_Smoke;

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---------- Post added at 14:21 ---------- Previous post was at 14:13 ----------

Try something like this:

class cfgAmmo
class custom_ammo : G_40mm_HEDP;
	indirecthit = 0;
	effectsSmoke = "SmokeShellWhite";

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class cfgAmmo
class G_40mm_Smoke;

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---------- Post added at 14:21 ---------- Previous post was at 14:13 ----------

Try something like this:

class cfgAmmo
class custom_ammo : G_40mm_HEDP;
	indirecthit = 0;
	effectsSmoke = "SmokeShellWhite";

Thanks for that, it finally worked, however, is there any way to make smoke thicker and increase it's lifetime? ~20 second smoke isn't really useful for calling in CAS, y'know. Main idea is to make projectile act similar to UGL 40mm smoke grenade

Edited by Erem2k

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Now I'm just guessing here, but maybe you can use the ingame config viewer and look in the cfgAmmo and cfgMagazines for the UGL 40mm smoke. Maybe you can find something useful there. Perhaps "effectsSmoke" is set to something else?

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Now I'm just guessing here, but maybe you can use the ingame config viewer and look in the cfgAmmo and cfgMagazines for the UGL 40mm smoke. Maybe you can find something useful there. Perhaps "effectsSmoke" is set to something else?

G_40mm_Smoke is based upon SmokeShell class, and the only difference between them is a model. Investigating further into SmokeShell class, it has the same effectsSmoke = "SmokeShellWhite" inside. However, I've noticed a couple of interesting things that may be pertaining to grenade's lifetime - timeToLive, fuseDistance and explosionTime. Could someone give any insight on what these parameters regulate? No idea how to make smoke thicker though

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timeToLive defines how long it takes for a projectile to despawn. I don't know if that is the parameter that smoke grenades use when they stop, but it could be...

I think the values are in milliseconds, so 3000 = 3 seconds which I think is default for small arms projectiles. A smoke shell will need much more than that.

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I did some experiments, timeTolive seems to be specified in seconds - default smoke has timeTolive=60. explosionTime looks like initial amount of time before grenade goes off after throw - but that still leaves fuseDistance.

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fuseDistance is meant to be used with AT launchers and such weapons. It defines how far the projectile has to travel before the warhead is armed.

It should probably be zero for your smoke shells.

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