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UH80 Ghosthawk hitpoints? Were they updated?

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So I used to have all of the hitpoints for the Ghosthawk (main rotor, tail rotor, engines, avionics, ect.) but now none of my old triggers are working. Were the hitpoint names updated or something? Not even "heli setHit ["motor", 1];" is working anymore? I'm currently on the most up to date version of the dev branch. If you have any other heli or plane hitpoints that work please let me know or help! Thanks, Fuzi8n.

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well, it returns an array of all a vehicles hitpoint names in strings. For example: ["HitEngine","HitRotor","HitRFWheel","HitGlass1",etc,etc]; So, if you want to see a list of all the GhostHawks hitpoints, you could use a hint, or send it to the rpt file, or copy it to clipboard.

// hint in game
hint str (vehicleName call BIS_fnc_HelicopterGetHitpoints);

// print to rpt file
diag_log (vehicleName call BIS_fnc_HelicopterGetHitpoints);

// copy to clipboard
copyToClipboard str (vehicleName call BIS_fnc_HelicopterGetHitpoints);

just use the debug console to run one of those

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Thanks a lot kind sir! If I use it in anything ever, I'll be sure to credit you for the help!

---------- Post added at 02:57 ---------- Previous post was at 02:50 ----------

I actually have one last question, I'd like to activate one of these via radio trigger. What would I put in the trigger's init? In this instance let's use "HitVRotor"

well, it returns an array of all a vehicles hitpoint names in strings. For example: ["HitEngine","HitRotor","HitRFWheel","HitGlass1",etc,etc]; So, if you want to see a list of all the GhostHawks hitpoints, you could use a hint, or send it to the rpt file, or copy it to clipboard.

// hint in game
hint str (vehicleName call BIS_fnc_HelicopterGetHitpoints);

// print to rpt file
diag_log (vehicleName call BIS_fnc_HelicopterGetHitpoints);

// copy to clipboard
copyToClipboard str (vehicleName call BIS_fnc_HelicopterGetHitpoints);

just use the debug console to run one of those

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Since these are hitpoints and not selections (what setHit uses), you would use setHitPointDamage.

// 0 - no damage || 1 - full damage
vehicleName setHitPointDamage ["HitVRotor",1];

EDIT: word of caution, setting "HitEngine", "HitBody", or "HitFuel" above ~0.75 will usually cause the vehicle to explode.

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