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How do you get any civilian unit to follow you when you get close to them

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I'm trying to get any civilian from 25 meters away to start to follow me but I can't get it to work, here's the code:

_civs = nearestObjects [player, ["Men"], 25];

hint format ["%1", _civs];

if(side _civs == civilian) then
_civs doFollow player;

Can anyone help me?

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You could give your player a join and lead waypoint and give your civvie a join waypoint, sync both those waypoints together and once you reach him or he reaches your point he will now be part of your group good luck its all i can think of just now.

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That isn't exactly what I want, I want for every civilian unit inserted into the map to be affected and I don't want them running at you right when the mission starts

Edited by Sqeemin

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while {true} do
  _civs = player nearEntities ["Man",25];//faster than near objects and I believe it's 'Man' not 'Men' as you had it

     if((side _x isEqualTo CIVILIAN) && !(_x getVariable ["isFollowingPlayer",false])) then
        _x doFollow player;
        _x setVariable ["isFollowingPlayer",true,true];
  } forEach _civs;

  sleep 10;

Edited by JShock

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