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TF47 Desert Vehicle Pack (ReTex) [WIP]

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UPDATE v0.4:

First post updated with new download link to version 0.4




- Little Bird: Removed AH-9 DAGR Version

- Little Bird: Changed AH-9 Rockets to 7x DAR + 7x DAGR

- Little Bird: New Ammo - 2000Rnd 12.7mm Raufoss Mk 300 Mod 0 (Tracer Red)

- Little Bird: New Ammo - 1000Rnd 12.7mm Raufoss Mk 300 Mod 0 (IR only Tracer)

- Little Bird: New Fire Modes (Mastersafe, Gun Low, Gun High, Rocket Single, Rocket Double)

- Little Bird: Added FLIR / Targeting Pod for AH-9 CoPilot (Experimental, many thanks to Lala14)

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Hey audio,

I've noticed that u haven't applied the change of weapons to the class animationsources in the armed little birds, so the gun doesn't spin nor there are any rockets in the pods :s

Also since you have the CCIP script implemented, i suggest you get rid of the vanilla crosshairs with: cursorAim = "";


Editor: having the rockets shoot out asimetrically can be sketchy, but it's definetely posible. I'll dig into this.

Edited by geraldbolso1899

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Hey audio,

I've noticed that u haven't applied the change of weapons to the class animationsources in the armed little birds, so the gun doesn't spin nor there are any rockets in the pods :s

Also since you have the CCIP script implemented, i suggest you get rid of the vanilla crosshairs with: cursorAim = "";


Editor: having the rockets shoot out asimetrically can be sketchy, but it's definetely posible. I'll dig into this.

AAAAHHHH... Cursors... Damn... I wanted to remove them in v0.4 but forgot -.- Well, next update then ^^

About the animationsource, i suggestet this could be the root of this evil but everytime i tried to change something it broke down. I guess i need to do more reading about it. THX for thi hint!

And the rocket stuff, also THX for digging in.

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I can't get this class animationsources stuff to work. I don't know how to integrate this into my configs. Can somebody take a look at it?

---------- Post added at 11:48 ---------- Previous post was at 11:08 ----------

UPDATE v0.5:

First post updated with new download link to version 0.5



- Little Bird: Removed Vanilla Crosshairs

- Little Bird: Removed Explosion FX from 12.7mm Raufoss Mk 300 Mod 0 (Causing too much lag on average computers)

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I was able to get the animation to work, BUT...

1- I don't get why u want 7rnd mags, and AFAIK there's no way to add a different pod in the model.

2- Only one type of rocket can be called upon for the animation. This brings a different solution: have both types of rounds being two different mags that work with the same rocket launcher.

3- The animations work, but the pods look like they have full 24 rnd load of rkts so each time u fire it shoots 2 or 3 missiles :s.

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THX for the reply!

I was able to get the animation to work, BUT...

1- I don't get why u want 7rnd mags, and AFAIK there's no way to add a different pod in the model.

2- Only one type of rocket can be called upon for the animation. This brings a different solution: have both types of rounds being two different mags that work with the same rocket launcher.

3- The animations work, but the pods look like they have full 24 rnd load of rkts so each time u fire it shoots 2 or 3 missiles :s.

1: I was thinking of the real rocket pods, i guess i will get back to regular mags

2: Not sure what you mean

3: Better than nothing :D

Could you give me a hint how to get the anims back working?

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What i meant in #2 was that the animation sources in the lil bird can only have one type of rocket to do the animation.

here's my edited config TF47 DVP Lil B

The inheritance of classes is a real bitch...

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Wow, THX alot! I'm gonna test it as soon as i'm at home.

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So... my girlfriend saw pink hunters and now I am under the gun to get this mod on my server :)

The mod says it requires no other mods, however I am getting this error when I try to load it on my server:

Warning Message: Addon 'TF47_Desert_Hunter' requires addon 'Extended_EventHandlers'

I did try adding the Extended Event Handlers mod, however it seems to want Arma 2 dependancies when I try to use it. It does get me past that error however. So what am I doing wrong as I don't see anyone else reporting any issue like this?

---------- Post added at 08:13 ---------- Previous post was at 07:12 ----------

So... my girlfriend saw pink hunters and now I am under the gun to get this mod on my server :)

The mod says it requires no other mods, however I am getting this error when I try to load it on my server:

Warning Message: Addon 'TF47_Desert_Hunter' requires addon 'Extended_EventHandlers'

I did try adding the Extended Event Handlers mod, however it seems to want Arma 2 dependancies when I try to use it. It does get me past that error however. So what am I doing wrong as I don't see anyone else reporting any issue like this?

I worked this issue out, the Armaholic page was incorrect. However, trying to use version .5 doesn't seem to work. The server key doesn't seem to be current for the core and littlebird pbo files. Can you post an updated version of the mod with a complete key please?

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Any update? I am eager to get your mod working on my EPOCH server :)

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I'm very busy right now, so it might still take a few days until an uptade is avaliable.

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